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Eerie Furnace Noises? Here’s What Could Be Lurking in Your Heating System

As the cool weather settles across Louisiana, from Alexandria to Shreveport, homeowners are turning to their furnaces to keep the chill at bay. But what happens when your furnace starts making strange, unsettling noises? While these sounds might give you a scare, they’re often indicators of common mechanical issues that can be resolved. At Southern......

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Get Ready for the Cool Season: Why Heating Tune-Ups are Essential

As the temperatures begin to drop across Louisiana, it's time to ensure your heating system is ready to keep your home warm and comfortable. Scheduling a heating system tune-up with Southern Air can prevent unexpected breakdowns, improve energy efficiency, and enhance indoor air quality. Whether you rely on a furnace or a heat pump, regular......

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Is It Time To Schedule Your Heater Maintenance?

With everything else you have to do around the house, it can be difficult to make time for all your tasks throughout the year. Heater maintenance is not something that should fall off your list. When is the right time to schedule your furnace tuneup appointment? Southern Air wants to make your maintenance tasks as......

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Southern Air Furnace Tune-Ups Explained

We know that life is busy. There always seems to be another thing to clean, take care of and pay attention to. It’s pretty easy to let HVAC maintenance fall off our lists — especially when our heaters seem to be working fine. So, what’s the big deal about annual furnace maintenance and do you......

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[EASY] DIY Heater Maintenance

If you want your furnace to face the winter like a well-oiled machine, it needs to be ready to face colder temperatures and frequent use. With a few simple steps, you can do wonders for your heater’s performance — even if you don’t know much about furnaces! Southern Air offers seasonal HVAC maintenance to keep......

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