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Common Allergies In Your Home During Winter

Now that winter is coming up, you might notice your allergies start acting up at the same time. This is common in many areas of the United States as allergens are found everywhere, but this is especially the case in Louisiana. In fact, in 2019 the Asthma and Allergy Foundation ranked two Louisiana cities in the top 10 worst places to live for allergy sufferers!

As you can imagine, high concentrations of outdoor allergens can lead to high concentrations inside your home. This results in lower indoor air quality (IAQ) over time. Our experts at Southern Air understand this can be concerning, especially for those with pre-existing respiratory issues, so we’ve compiled a list of common allergies and how they affect your IAQ!

Common Allergies in Louisiana


If you live in Louisiana, then you know that our winters are mild but humidity remains consistently high. These kinds of weather conditions are known to make allergies worse. In fact, Access Health Louisiana states that Louisiana’s climate makes for a particularly high allergy season!

Here are some of the most common allergens found in Louisiana:

  • Mold: due to hot and humid weather, mold tends to thrive in Louisiana households
  • Tree Pollen: Louisiana has a wide variety of tree types, which makes for a higher increase in pollen production
  • Flower Pollen: especially Ragweed
  • Grass Pollen: because Louisiana is known for having wind coming through the state, pollen from the grass is spread


The symptoms of allergies often mimic those of the common cold. Allergies typically don’t go away until the season ends, however, so they’re often more persistent. Here are some of the most common symptoms to look out for:

  • Eye itching, swelling or tearing
  • Nasal congestion, itchiness or postnasal drip
  • Sinus pain, pressure or infection
  • Ear fullness, pain or recurrent infections
  • Skin irritation, itching, hives or rashes
  • Respiratory infections, shortness of breath or coughing
  • Fatigue

How allergies affect your IAQ

Most of us know that poor outdoor air quality is detrimental to our health. But what about indoor air quality? Well, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we spend about 90% of our time indoors. This means that your indoor air quality, or IAQ, is just as important as outdoor air quality — if not more.

Many people believe they can escape outdoor allergens by simply going indoors, but EPA studies have also shown that indoor air pollution may be 2-5 times — and sometimes even more than 100 times — higher than outdoor pollution levels.


Now that you know what to look out for – what can you do about it?

If you’ve noticed you’re experiencing any allergy symptoms more than usual, don’t wait until they become more serious to check your home’s indoor air quality. Contact a qualified air technician that can help you have your indoor air quality tested. This will give you an idea of the purity of your home’s air. Once you know the level of your air quality, a technician will also be able to help you locate the sources for your home’s air pollution.

You should schedule regular indoor air quality testing every few years. This is the only way to tell if the air your family is breathing is polluted, as well as what level of pollution you might be at.

There are a few ways you can improve indoor air quality on your own, though! This includes:

  • Changing your air filters (at least every 3 months)
  • Keeping home as clean as possible (especially vacuuming, carpets and rugs)
  • Using an air purifier
  • Keep humidity low

Call the Professionals

If you’re interested in having your indoor air quality tested for either your Louisiana business or home, Southern Air has you covered! Our technicians will be able to help you narrow down any allergens, your IAQ level, and give you a plan of action. They’ll also be able to tell you if your problems require more complex solutions, such as upgrades to your HVAC system as a whole.

Air Quality Resources

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